Thank u so much. He is such a wonderful person. Will call u shortly. Was going to call before to thank u.. I have no words.. The box wow.. Unbelievable.. I was blown away the personal touch.. Thanks a million for everything
[8/31, 3:44 PM] Gitti Klein: We walked in from the dr’s office and there was your delicious food. “You are G-D’S gift to mankind ” Gitty. I love you..I love your food..I feel privileged..I feel cared for…you always say and do the right thing. ..which is a skill few words will suffice my feelings of hakoras hatov to you. Gitti I think,however, there are more important “causes” than us.If only I could be standing there with you in your kitchen helping you…what a zchus.A gmar chasima tova.Hashem should bench you with gezunt,nachas,parnasa..and arichas yomim so should be able to continue your holy work. I hope you take some time for YOU..From my heart to yours .