About Us

About Us

The best in every moment.
That’s our lifelong mission.

Healing is not in human hands. But happiness and comfort are. Every hour of every day, we devote ourselves to improving every minute of cancer patients’ lives.

Our partner

Bruckner Oncologists

Dr. Howard Bruckner M.D.
Dr. Azriel Hirschfeld, M.D.
Aid L’Shalom and Bruckner Oncology share a vision to provide more effective, less toxic, and more tailored treatment to cancer patients, including those who struggle with conventional therapy. Since their founding, Bruckner has brought newfound hope and comprehensive care to countless patients and their families.

Our mission

Help patient families live
Life in peaceâ„¢

Cancer is a debilitating disease. It robs patients of their dignity, tears them from their family’s embrace, and chains them to facilities for lengthy periods of painful treatment. Aid L’Shalom is on a mission to return some semblance of normalcy, peace, and family harmony within the ordeal.

How we help

All the way, in three waysâ„¢

Integrative Treatments

Through extensive research and whole-family oncology counseling, we provide alternative healing modalities ideal for supplementive treatment. When combined with conventional medical practices, these services have helped patients feel happier, more energized, and more hopeful during the therapy process.

Full-service care

We recognize the tremendous burden cancer has on the family unit—the logistics, traveling, and lifestyle changes all require tremendous effort. Throughout the treatment process, we provide ongoing patient support, including customized nutrition plans and comprehensive counseling for both patient and family.

Financial subsidization

The cost of holistic treatment in addition to conventional therapy is out of reach for most. Our global fundraising steeply subsidizes these services. Additionally, when we know a patient stands to benefit from a clinical trial, yet does not qualify under its eligibility prerequisites, we offer the funding to enter them into treatment.

Aid L’Shalom Origins

Shalom Neuman: A life of serviceâ„¢

Aid L’Shalom was founded in loving memory of Shalom Neuman, a beloved father, husband, and philanthropist. Shalom did not define himself by financial success, but rather by the people he worked tirelessly to help. During his exceptional lifetime, he opened his home and heart to multitudes of guests, founding the Tosh community outreach program, as well as establishing an organization dedicated to helping the poorest residents of Eretz Yisroel.

He also founded the Treatment Tranquility Program: a fundraising initiative to expand the Bruckner Oncology facility for more expansive, private care.

Later in life, Shalom himself was diagnosed with cancer and told he only had weeks to live. To get more quality out of the life he had left, Shalom turned to alternative treatments. His extensive research into Vitamin C infusion therapy, and his unshakable faith, granted him three additional years of life—years spent laughing with his children, holding his grandchildren, and devoting more time and funds to his mission. His final wish was for the founding of this organization to help those who struggled as he did. Shalom believed, as do we, that supplemental therapies should be available to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay.

To this day, Aid L’Shalom stands testament to this great man:
a remarkable individual who, in life and beyond, changed countless lives.

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