

Additional testing.
Alternative therapy.
Individualized nutrition.

We surround patient and family with services that inspire hope and feed strength.

Beyond treatment:
Comfort in the most trying times

Chemotherapy is a life-saving medicine, but the side effects can make life miserable. Fatigue, digestive issues, and mood changes are all very common effects of such treatment. Aid L’Shalom offers numerous supplemental programs as add-on treatments to improve patient wellbeing and enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy—so families can get through the process feeling happier, healthier, and more hopeful.

Sensitivity Testing Lab

A breakthrough in treatment prognosis

Our state-of-the-art sensitivity laboratory can save months of unsuccessful therapy by identifying the most promising treatments for each individual cancer. Here, leading cancer specialists obtain live biopsies of patient tumors, test a number of different drugs, and guage the tumor’s response to treatment. This helps oncologists prescribe an ideal treatment course that is both timely and effective.

Acupuncture Therapy

Boosting patients’ sense of ease

Acupuncture is a practice originating from ancient Chinese medicine, now widely used by medical practitioners around the world to treat pain, tension, and chronic nausea.

Treatment involves the insertion of very thin needles through the skin at strategic points throughout the body. These needles are believed to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue in a proactive way, promoting the body’s release of natural painkillers and muscle relaxers.

Offered for:
Nausea, muscle tension, general pain, nerve pain

Reiki/Energy Therapy

Reducing inflammation and agitation

Reiki is a traditional Japanese healing technique used in the modern world as a complement to Western Medicine. Reiki is most often used to help manage symptoms such as nausea, swelling, pain, anxiety, and fatigue.

Treatment involves a trained practitioner placing their hands on or over a client’s body. The practitioner then utilizes meditative techniques designed to channel and direct certain wavelengths of their own bioelectric field. The energy is thought to influence a client’s own field, helping to stimulate the body’s natural healing functions.

Offered for:
Anxiety, pain, fatigue, depression, inflammation, nausea

Reflexology/Zone Therapy

Relieving tension in a hands-on way

Reflexology involves the application of massage and deep pressure to the hands, feet, and ears to stimulate healing. The practice is based on the theory that specific pressure points in these areas correspond to the organs and systems of the body.

Many patients find that regular reflexology massage improves their mood, relieves stress, and reduces tension. Some also found relief from digestive issues, peripheral neuropathy, and inflammation.

Offered for:
Stress, anxiety, depression, tension, and muscle pain

Vitamin C Infusions

Pumping life-force into patient veins

A growing number of preclinical studies are now showing that increased doses of intravenous vitamin C (which has a different effect than oral doses) may benefit cancer patients. These treatments are thought to enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy by mitigating painful side effects.

Treatment involves high-doses of intravenous vitamin C over a prolonged period. Many patients have found that it helps maintain their mood, general sense of wellbeing, and physical stamina during chemotherapy.

Offered for:
Fatigue, muscle aches, mood changes

Ozone Therapy

Maximizing the body’s ability to fight

Research on the effectiveness and safety of ozone therapy is still ongoing, but preliminary research suggests that ozone therapy may help fight disease, including cancer, by balancing immune response and reversing the body’s oxygen deficits.

Ozone therapy can be conducted in several different ways to prevent accidental inhalation. One of the more common methods involves ozonated water applied to the skin over the affected area.

Offered for:
Chemotherapy enhancement

Chemotherapy enhancement

The Aid L’Shalom Volunteer Kitchen

A macrobiotic diet is known to provide a boost of energy when it’s needed most—when patients are going through traditionally painful cancer treatments. This diet requires careful preparation and packaging.

Our nutritional experts provide 1:1 meal planning to give patients the strength they need to fight another day. Our volunteer chefs then cook fresh, kosher, macrobiotic meals for patients every single week. We consult regularly with doctors to ensure we cater to recommended dietary guidelines.

You can help in more ways than one:

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