Leah yehudis brecher – GAH

Aid L’Shalom enables families to access world-class supplemental and integrative cancer treatments. These protocols are prohibitively costly and difficult to access. By eliminating the barriers of awareness, cost and convenience, we offer patients every opportunity to live in comfort, engaged with loving family. 

For cancer patients and their loved ones, quality of life is just as meaningful as quantity. Since 2016, Aid L’Shalom has worked tirelessly to help them live fuller, more rewarding lives with optimism and dignity. With your generosity, we can subsidize supplemental care for those undergoing chemo. Your contribution can be the difference between debilitating pain and familial joy.

In your heart is the secret to our success. Every dollar donated is a step closer to creating smiles. We need you to show you care. We need you to join us. We need you to show your love.


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